Red Jasper tumblestone (description card included)
Red Jasper tumblestone with a gift bag with description card.
Size: 2.5cm x 2cm (approx)
Protection and strength
* Known as the stone of endurance, enhancing strength, energy, stamina and focus in the physical and emotional.
* Enhances grounding and stimulates the base chakras. Particularly the rise of kundalini energy.
* Protecting, stable and comforting.
* Stabilises the aura and strengthens boundaries.
* Helps dream re-call when placed under a pillow.
* Historically a carrier of warriors, Jasper is a promoter of justice, protection and life. It is said to work well with unjust situations and provides clarity and insight in difficult situations.
* Native Americans used Red Jasper to call in health, re-birth, strategies and new ideas.
* It has been noted in history through various cultures to be used as a stone of protection. Red Jasper has adorned amulets, armour and placed upon the deceased.
* A great stone to use for connection with Earth spirits and guardians of sacred sites and ley lines.