Autumn Equinox Guided Meditation
Autumn Equinox Guided Meditation
Length: 15mins
The Autumn Equinox a time where there is an equal balance of light and dark. A time to reflect on the year, express gratitude, celebrate your achievements of the past months and let go of anything that is not serving us. It’s also a time to start slowing down, light the fire and light the candles.
✨My intention with this Autumn Equinox meditation is to help you take that time to light the candle and reflect back. A time to process, celebrate and release.
✨This special and powerful Equinox downloadable meditation is 15mins long. It will guide you through your own personal harvest field. Connecting with all the things we’ve grown and cultivated this year. Releasing what we don’t need and picking the fruits of our labour of which we’d like to take with us. It’s a space to be proud of yourself and all you’ve accomplished. We’ll also meet our guides for any messages, words of wisdom or gifts.