Lapis Lazuli tumblestone (with description card)
Lapis Lazuli tumblestone with cotton gift bag and information card
Approx Size: 2cm
Used dating back centuries through deities to royalty and across a myriad of cultures- for its rarity, value and healing powers.
A deeply spiritual stone, Lapis Lazuli strengthens your third eye and spiritual connection. Also a wonderful communication stone to work with your throat chakra, encouraging you to speak your truth.
* Allows you to take charge of your own life
* Enhances inner peace
* Protective and blocks negative and unwanted energies
* Releases energies that no longer serve you (most specifically from not speaking up in the past, that still sit with you, have been repressed and weigh you down)
* Balances energy across the board- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
* Encourages self expression
* Strengthens bonds in love and friendship, allowing feelings and emotions to be expressed positively
* Encourages creativity
* Confronts truth and acceptance
* Works wonderfully with any spiritual work, opening the third eye, connection with source and allows clarity and creativity to flow.
Third Eye and Throat Chakra