Mixed Fluorite Tumblestone (with description card)

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Mixed Fluorite Tumble-stone with a cotton gift bag and description card 

Colours range from green to purple with combinations mixed in there as well. 

Size: Approximately 3cm 

* Energy flow, clarity and clear thinking. 

* Meditative work, spiritual work

* Clearing and cleansing your space and aura 

* Draws off negative energies

* Protects against electromagnetic influences 

* Works with the higher chakras to enhance energy flow

* Opens chakras to spiritual and universal energies 

* Allows the mind to absorb new information and allow inspiration to flow. 

* Enhances structure, not only to daily life but to mindset, feeling less chaotic. 

A wonderful crystal for manifestation and setting intentions and wishes! Be clear with what you want, use it when writing your New Moon manifestation list and make sure to keep this crystal in sight to remind you of these new intentions and wishes and how that makes you feel. 

Fluorite comes in many colours and add additional properties. In this case we have a mixture of Fluorite which includes violet, purple and green! 

* Violet and Purple works with the third eye, enhances meditation and connection with universal energies. 

* Green absorbs and cleanses negative energies within your space and mind and aura. 

Interesting facts: 

Once exposed to UV light, Fluorite has the ability to glow in the dark. 

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