What is the Witch Wound?

 The 'Witch Wound' and What is it? 

This month we are gearing up to Halloween and Samhain.  It seems fitting to talk about the 'Witch Wound', what it is and how we can overcome it. 

This month I'll be focusing on all of this within my women's circle AND retreat day towards the end of the month. In fact, the visualisations I've been receiving for the retreat day of the Rising Phoenix is of no coincidence. It's going to be a powerful day. 

So, lets begin...


For centuries, women (and men, too) who dared to step outside societal norms, challenge authority, or express spiritual and intuitive gifts were labeled as witches—often persecuted, silenced, and oppressed. This deep-seated collective memory, known as the Witch Wound, affects many people today, even if it’s not consciously recognised. The Witch Wound is a symbolic scar, a generational imprint of fear that carries through the ages, impacting how we express our true selves, share our gifts, and reclaim our inner power.

What Is the Witch Wound?

The Witch Wound is an ancestral and cultural trauma stemming from the fear, persecution, and punishment experienced by those, particularly women, who embodied their intuitive, healing, and spiritual powers during periods of witch hunts or societal repression. This collective wound carries the fear of being seen as "too much," of standing out, of having our gifts misunderstood or even used against us. It can manifest as:

  • Fear of judgment or persecution: This often shows up as a hesitancy to fully express ourselves or share our spiritual or intuitive gifts for fear of being judged, ridiculed, or excluded.
  • Self-doubt or fear of failure: Many people who feel the Witch Wound carry an inner voice that tells them they aren’t good enough or that their gifts are "wrong" or "dangerous."
  • People-pleasing and shrinking: To stay safe, people may hide their true selves, avoid confrontation, or try to blend in to avoid standing out.
  • Distrust of feminine power: There's often a disconnect from the inherent power of the feminine—intuition, creativity, emotional expression, and spiritual connection—leading to an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies within us.

This wound is felt by many today, especially those drawn to healing, spirituality, or any form of esoteric practice. The residual fear of what might happen if we own our power can cause us to second-guess ourselves or dim our light to avoid being seen.

How the Witch Wound Shows Up Today

In modern society, this wound is still present, though it may not look like literal witch hunts. Today, the Witch Wound might manifest as:

  • Fear of being seen as “weird” or “different” if you talk about your spiritual beliefs, energy work, or intuitive gifts.
  • A sense of needing to over-explain or justify yourself when sharing your opinions or spiritual practices.
  • Fear of success or power: Hesitating to step into leadership roles or fearing the responsibility that comes with being influential.
  • A disconnection from the body: Particularly from feminine cycles, intuition, or creative expression, which can result in feeling numb or overly logical.
  • A need to hide: Whether it’s playing small in the workplace, keeping quiet in personal relationships, or not sharing your spiritual work publicly, this tendency to hide stems from the deep-rooted fear of standing out.

The Witch Wound affects everyone, but it is particularly powerful for women because of how women’s spiritual and healing roles were demonised in history. To heal this wound is to reclaim the divine feminine’s right to be heard, to be powerful, and to be unapologetically present.

Healing the Witch Wound

Healing the Witch Wound is a powerful, liberating process that involves acknowledging the wound, reclaiming your inner power, and allowing yourself to fully express who you are without fear. Here are some ways to begin the healing process:

Reclaim Your Voice

The fear of speaking out is one of the most common ways the Witch Wound shows up. Start by reclaiming your voice in small ways—speak up in meetings, express your boundaries clearly, and share your thoughts in safe spaces. This process also extends to spiritual expression—allowing yourself to share your beliefs or practices with those who support and honour your path.

Embrace Your Gifts

Whether you’re an intuitive, healer, creative, or someone with a deep spiritual connection, allow yourself to fully embody and use these gifts. It’s common to second-guess yourself or diminish your abilities due to the Witch Wound, but part of the healing process is about trusting and using your innate powers. Practice tuning in to your intuition and using it in small, everyday decisions.

Honour Your Ancestors

The Witch Wound is ancestral as much as it is personal. Take time to honour those in your lineage who may have been silenced or persecuted for their power. Create rituals to connect with the ancestral wisdom, acknowledging their struggles and vowing to reclaim the power that they were not allowed to hold. An ancestral offering or meditation, particularly around the autumn months, can help clear energy backwards and forwards in time.

Stay tuned for an Ancestral meditation being released very soon to download and use when you need! 

Work with the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras

The solar plexus chakra, located just above the navel, governs personal power, confidence, and self-worth, while the throat chakra, located at the throat, is responsible for communication and self-expression. Working with these two chakras can really help to heal the 'witch wound'. 

  • The solar plexus chakra helps you reclaim your inner power, trust your abilities, and stand confidently in your truth. Through practices such as lighting the 'Empower' candle, affirmations, breathwork, and energy healing, you can strengthen your sense of worth and your ability to stand firm in your identity. 

  • The throat chakra allows you to speak your truth and express yourself fully without fear of judgment or persecution. Take note of when you might get a sore throat, cough or similar. Is it trying to tell you something? When my glands swell up (normally the start of a sore throat or cough for me), I've now realised its normally due to me holding back and not speaking up. I've experimented on this and once I've dealt with the issue at hand, my throat clears up. I used to have coughs for months on end! 

  • Lighting the 'Expression' candle, chanting, singing, journaling, or using voice in creative ways can help unblock this energy centre. Strengthening the throat chakra empowers you to communicate your spiritual gifts and wisdom with clarity and confidence.

Balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine

To heal the Witch Wound, it’s essential to reclaim the divine feminine while also balancing the healthy aspects of the masculine. Both energies exist within us. Allow space for nurturing, creativity, rest, intuition, and flow, while honouring the masculine energies of action, focus, and structure when needed.

Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community

Healing is easier when done in community. Find like-minded people who honour your spiritual journey and support your expression of power. Women’s circles, retreats, or online communities can provide the safe space needed to share and grow.

Rising from the Ashes

The beauty of the Witch Wound is that once we recognise it, we have the power to transform it. Just as witches of old were resilient and wise, we can rise from the ashes of fear and oppression, stronger and more empowered than before.

We are the descendants of the wise women, the healers, and the mystics, and their strength flows within us. By healing the Witch Wound, we not only reclaim our personal power but also heal generations of women who came before us—and those who will come after.

Are you ready to reclaim your power?

Madeleine x 

Purchase your 'Empower' Candle here 
Purchase your 'Expression' Candle here 

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