
  • 5 min Quick Grounding Visualisation

    Use this quick grounding visualisation if you’re low on energy, feeling disconnected, feeling too ‘in your head’ or for when you just need 5 mins of peace and neutrality. 
  • Why do we feel the urge to light a candle when we've had a clean and tidy up?

    My theory is this, most of us don’t even realise we are doing it. Cleaning the house is something we all do, we clean out the dirt physically and energetically (even if you don’t realise it). We might even open to windows which energetically gives the energy somewhere to go.  Whenever we do a cl...
  • Manifestation Ritual with the Citrine Candle

    As part of Citrine Candle week I wanted to include a lovely jubbly manifestation ritual for you to use alongside your candle.  Citrine is a great crystal to use for manifestation and in particular, abundance. So give it a go and let me know how you get on!  1. As you light your candle, recite you...
  • Mini Shower Ritual

    For feeling energetically refreshed! This one I do now almost without thinking, its super simple, fun and beautifully magical all at the same time. 

  • 3 ways to use Selenite

    Selenite gets its name from the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Selene. Its high frequency radiates light energy. Selenite can balance and clear any blockages. It allows for a fluidity of energy through your space and body. 1. You can use your Selenite stick to cleanse your energy and aura each morn...

HOOF & PAW at home

My home business, based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Making candles, blending scents, homing crystals, writing the blogs you see here and much much more.