Full Moon Sagittarius 23rd May- Get Ritual Ready



A very exciting Full Moon coming up and along with myself and astrologer Stevie. We have teamed up to give you all the information as well as rituals, candles to use and crystals to use in this Full Moon. 

Here what astrologer Stevie has to say about this week's Full Moon: 

‘A full moon in Sagittarius promotes a sense of adventure, expansion, and optimism. It's a time to embrace new experiences, explore, and seek the truth. Education, travel, and a positive outlook on life play a significant role during this period.

Lucky Girl Energy Incoming....... 

If a full moon would signify a lucky girl era it would be this one and it kinda makes sense that Jupiter and North Node met up in the skies aiming us higher towards our destiny. I've not just been saying lucky girl with no cause. 

This full moon brings freedom of good thoughts, vibes and energy. Saggy energy is big energy, it seeks the truth, it's seen, heard, fun, joyful and playful. Ruled by Jupiter too it's bigger than life energy. It's the luckiest full moon of the year. 

This full moon nestled in Gemini season is getting you out of your head of analytics and propelling you forward into your destiny. 

Girl it's time to stop sweating over the detail and aiming higher towards what your soul knows you were destined to. The rest is taken care of when you swap your faith for fear.’ 


This Full Moon works with the energy of the Sacral Chakra, it’s fun and playful, creative and optimistic. I’ve got a beautiful and fun ritual for us to do over the Full Moon to really ignite and get energy flowing. 

Candle ritual recommendation:

The PASSION candle or ‘CARNELIAN’ candle 


Both of these candles work with the energy of the Sacral chakra and when lit release the energy of fun, excitement, passion for life, playfulness and creativity. You just need to simply light the candle in your space to receive the benefits. 

Shop ‘Passion’ Candle 

Shop ‘Carnelian’ Candle 

Crystal recommendations: Carnelian, Sunstone, Orange Calcite


For more information on these crystals you can read about the individuals on the product pages here.

I recommend having them on you and around you over the week (meditating with them as well if needed) for this Full Moon to gain the benefits.

Shop tumblestone crystals 

With this Full Moon ritual I’d like us to focus on what brings us joy and go back to our childhood years. What did you love to do? What brought you joy? Was it drawing? Painting? Going on the swings? Spinning really really fast in circles? It could be anything at all. These were some of my personal favourites. The swings I still love now! 

 Step 1. Write down a list or a couple of options about what made you happy and playful as a kid. Take your time with this if needed. 

Step 2. Pick one of those off your list that made you light up the most. 

Step 3. Light your candle (Recommended candles above), focus on the flame remembering this memory of how much fun and how much joy and happiness you received from this activity. Focus on this feeling. 

Step 4. As you recall this feeling, imagine placing this feeling into a ball of light within you. The ball of light begins to grow. It gets bigger and bigger, until it expands over your entire body. You find yourself encased in this beautiful ball of light, filled with fun, joy and playfulness. 

Step 5. Sit in this bubble for as long as you need. The energy will be filling up every part of you, re-igniting that passion for life within you. 

Step 6. Your candle is now anchored in with your unique playful and joyous energy around your memory, it’s super charged. Every time you light your candle from now on  it will hold the energy and continue to release it into your space. Allowing you to soak it up again and again. 

You can also repeat this ritual as many times as you want and with any memory you want. 

Step 7: GO AND DO IT. 

Go and get on those swings, run wild through the fields, fly a kite, go stand on your head (if you still can!), or maybe it’s sitting in a field making daisy chains?  Don't just sit in the feeling of it….go and DO IT. I make a habit now of going on the swings every time I take the kids to the park. Oh my goodness, it’s so good. 

I’d love to know what yours is from your childhood :) Let me know in the comments. 

To round this off, to finish off your Full Moon ritual Stevie says: 

Today is a great day to connect to your joy, adventure and fun. Also think about how high you want to aim the bigger picture:- 

* Connect to your wider vision and think about what is holding you back aiming higher.

* Adventure. Do things differently and think about how you can bring more fun in your day to day. 

Full moons are times of revelation, there could be a sense of illumination around things which are holding you back. What do you feel like is coming up that stops you propelling forward? What truth do you see uncovered within this full moon? 

Sending so much love, 

Madeleine and Stevie x 

Head to shop all your candles, crystals and more blog posts on magic, rituals and more with Madeleine HERE 

CONNECT WITH STEVIE' As your astrologer, life coach and guide, my aim is to bring you back home to your truth, desires and purpose - back into the fullest expression of your spirit, self belief, confidence, clarity, power and align you with the wisdom that lives within you.'Stevie is an astrologist, life coach and guide who works closely with the moon cycles, combining your own unique charts to create your dream lives. Stevie offers 1-2-1 astrology readings, group online and in person moon circles as well as a monthly moon membership. Website: https://www.starsbystevie.com/

Head to her website to book a 1-2-1 astrological reading!

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