Rose Quartz is one of the most popular crystals, promoting unconditional love, self- love, romance, healing of the heart, peace, comfort and compassion. But how can we use it to help us...
1. If you're feeling a bit low, lonely, heartbroken, angry or resentful try this:
Place a Rose Quartz stone near your heart chakra while lying down in a comfortable position. Visualise the energy of love radiating from the rose quartz and into your heart chakra.
This will help to heal and keep your heart chakra balanced. Do this for as long as you like to feel the benefits.
2. Hold a rose quartz stone in your hand (or hold in your pocket when out and about) and focus on the energy of love and healing that the stone is providing you.
To enhance the energies, do this alongside your chosen affirmation. Such as:
'I am loved'
'I am full of gratitude'
'I am beautiful'
'I am a positive light'
3. My Rose Quartz candles already have the Rose Quartz crystal infused in the candle wax.
Just lighting the candle will begin to radiate its loving energies.
To enhance this:
- Use the affirmations included in the candle box or your own to recite whilst lighting your candle.
- Write any love/ self love/ healing intentions on a piece of paper and place under the candle.
- Try Candle gazing: a form of meditation to release anything bothering you into the flame. Its loving energies will transfer these energies into light and should begin to feel much lighter in yourself.
4. Place a Rose Quartz either side of your bed to bring in loving energy.
5. Make a Rose Quartz crystal elixir by placing a rose quartz in a glass dish or water bottle and letting it sit for an hour or two. The rose quartz will infuse the water with its healing, loving energy. Drink the elixir to bring the energy of love into your heart chakra.
This cannot be done with all crystals so please do your research first.
I hope that was helpful, there are so many beautiful ways to use Rose Quartz and I'd love to hear what rituals or practices you use. Do let me know in the comment section below.
Madeleine x