I often get messages asking which candle I can recommend for someone but the truth is, if you tune into yourself, sit with the feelings you get as you read each description, you will always intuitively pick the right candle.
If it's for a gift I would say sit with the name of person you have in mind and/ or visualise them in your minds eye and as you scroll through each candle you should get a strong feeling towards a particular candle. Even if you think it doesn't make sense at the time, it always is.
For an overview of each candle and their benefits, keep reading below...
Carnelian Candle
Essential oils of: Neroli, Bergamot, Sandalwood Amyris
This combination will inspire, enhance passion, vitality and self-confidence.
Designed to increase our self-confidence, enhance our zest for life, our passions and desires. To inspire and create a life we love.
Works to balance our Sacral Chakra.
Available in travel size and standard size. Sold with a box and information card.
Citrine Candle
Essential oils of: Lemongrass, Bergamot, Cedarwood
Like a ray of sunshine, this candle is designed to lift your spirits and attract a wealth of abundance into all areas of your life. Its energy can work to raise your energetic vibration to maintain a happy, optimistic outlook and give you the confidence to manifest your desires.
Works to balance our Solar Plexus Chakra.
Available in travel size and standard size. Sold with a box and information card.
Rose Quartz Candle
Essential oils of: Sandalwood Amyris, Black Pepper, Ylang Ylang
The ultimate candle for love, its purpose is to strengthen and heal love on all levels. This includes self-love, romance, friendship, family, heartache and grief.
Works with the Heart Chakra.
Available in travel size and standard size. Sold with a box and information card.
Sodalite Candle:
Essential oils of: Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass, Basil
Expect the energy of this candle to help guide you in expressing yourself with confidence.
We ALL have the right to express ourselves on a daily basis in whichever way we choose (our voices and our creativity for example). However, expressing our true selves can be tricky and fear of rejection can creep in.
This is where the Sodlaite candle can come in help to support you. Bringing you the courage and confidence to express yourself. Be this in your home life or work life.
Having the courage to be yourself is the best super power you can own. Once we are truly ourselves, that is when the magic starts to happen and things start to align.
Works with the Throat Chakra.
Available in travel size and standard size. Sold with a box and information card.
Amethyst Candle:
Essential oils of Lavender, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang
The ultimate candle to wind down with, settle your mind, switch off and release any worries your shoulders may be carrying.
This Amethyst candle is for anyone wanting some time out, to quieten the mind and relax. It is a great candle to ensure a restful nights sleep; light for a few hours after work or before you sleep to gain the ultimate benefits of the aroma.
Ideal for meditation.
Works with the Third Eye Chakra.
Available in a travel size and standard size. Sold with a box and information card.
I hope you have found this overview helpful. To view the full collection of crystal candles click HERE
If you'd still like help with choosing then do not hesitate to email me, Madeleine at info@hoofandpawuk.com
Madeleine x